Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Count Down is On!!!

I have officially started counting down the days until summer break! I live for the summer. I don't know if I could ever work somewhere that doesn't get the whole summer off. As of today, I only have 21 days of school left. I am pumped! I love being able to spend more time with my kids and it seems so much easier to not have to worry about work and meetings. I have big plans of hanging with my sis and her kids...(by the way...she's got some big news, but I don't want to check her blog often). We always join Movie Club and we also have Fun Fridays that my sister started with some of her friends and I kinda joined too. Every Friday we do something exciting and new with the kids. So be prepared for some fun and exciting blogs coming soon...very very soon.


Simonsen Family said...

I agree to have summers off every year- ROCKS!!!!!! Ok I have every day off but IF i worked I would so want the summers off too (lol)
So when are you going to have BIG news to share with us????? You know your next right??????

Lots of Love,

Sarah Cox said...

I started a count down on my office door like 2 weeks ago! I can't wait! I need the movie club info because we are totally joining that with you guys.