Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Trimming the Tree

Trevor and I put up our Christmas decorations this last weekend. We had the best helper this year. Our goal was to put everything up while the kids were asleep. Max cooperated, but Paige, however, did not. She decided that she was going to be our big helper. She grabbed each ornament and yell, "Here Go!" and hand it to Trevor. At first she was going so fast that Trevor couldn't keep up with her. After a while she got a little slower. It was so cute we had to video tape it....she is so crazy. Now the trick will be keeping her from taking the ornaments off!


Sarah Cox said...

Aww! How cute! What a good little helper!

Heather and Spencer's Growing family said...

She is so freakin cute mmmmmm I love her!

Amanda said...

I'm so glad you have a blog. Hope you don't mind if I check it once in awhile! Your kids are too cute! I miss you!!!